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I was in school by day, and between the sheets of various men by night. It was a job, but it was one I was really good at, not to mention I enjoyed it. Naomi was right, Ty was fair with the money and my bank account showed for all my hard work. We had a big job coming up; Ty needed all of us to entertain this world famous rapper and his team. The rapper had the reputation for being greedy, he could never get enough. On this particular night we all went back to his suite and there he was alone without his team. We were confused, I had already decided he was mine and I was not leaving.
“You don’t need all of us do you? I thought this was a group party?” I questioned, thinking dollars and cents.
“Slow down pretty mama. Don’t you know who I am? I got enough for all yall, and more…” He laughed his classic sinister laugh.
“Well let’s get this party started then!” Carmen said interrupting our vibe.
Naomi walked over to the IPOD stand and pumped up the volume. She got on a coffee table and started a sexy striptease to some West Coast rap song.
“The song is wack! But baby girl your dancing making that shit sound good.” The rapper said as he relaxed on the couch watching the show. I decided I wouldn’t be upstaged and although I had never been a dancer, I knew I could break it down.
I started pumping and grinding while undressing, and so did Erin and Carmen. Erin and Carmen stole the attention from me when they started kissing. I was startled until I saw Carmen put one of Erin’s big pink nipples in her mouth. The rapper got up and grabbed me and started kissing me. That night was a sordid event as we all sucked and licked places. I had never had a lesbian bone in my body but that night I played my position.
I had racked up a massive clientele that asked for me by name. I had from governmental officials, to drug dealers requesting my services. The officials liked that I could speak a few languages close to fluently, give off an aura of intelligence, and then fuck their brains out after giving them good head. The celebrities loved to take me to events with them. They’d relish in my beauty and have everyone at the event wondering where they’d gotten me from. I had more than a few offers of marriage, or for those that were married already they’d offer me a kept lifestyle. I only wanted to keep myself.
My Sophomore year at Baruch College I thought my world would fall apart. I was sitting in my economics class when I got a page from Carmen. It said “Ty’s in trouble. He’s locked up. Meet me at his place, ASAP.”
My stomach started doing flips; I thought I was going to throw up. I went to the garage and got the Silver 2014 Benz, I got as a gift from Ty and I sped across the bridge to Brooklyn.
When I arrived at his apartment Carmen and Naomi were pacing the floors. Carmen stopped when she saw me and yelled “what the hell took you so long!” I was confused, I dropped everything and flew across the bridge as fast as I could, what in the world was she talking about?
“What?” I questioned.
“I called you and you take your sweet time to get here. What the fuck is that about?” Carmen flipped.
“Um, Carmen I know you’re frustrated, I am too. Unlike you, I’m in school by day. You know I care about Ty so don’t even go there. Just tell me what happened.”
Carmen plopped down on the couch lit a Newport and began her tale.
“Well me and Ty had breakfast around eight or so and when we got back here to the apartment, some undercover dudes jumped out and just ran down on him. I called Paul Schneider, Ty has him on payroll. So hopefully he will get Ty out in a minute. I don’t even know what they charging him with. If I would’ve seen them DT’s coming I could’ve warned Ty. I can practically smell those pig bastards.”
Carmen took a pull on her cigarette and continued.
“I know one thing, since Ty is not here, I’m in charge. The operation will continue until he tells me otherwise. Am I clear?” She said looking at me.
I wondered why she felt it was so important to make her intentions clear to me. I didn’t respond I wanted to wait till I spoke to Ty before I did my thing. Besides I didn’t trust Carmen, and what she didn’t know was that I could be more calculating than she ever thought.
I slept with my cell phone on my pillow, anxiously waiting for Ty’s call. Carmen and Naomi had clients to see that night so I knew if he called I would be the one he spoke to. The phone rang at seven thirty the next morning. “Hello?”
“Hey babygirl, listen I don’t got long to talk.” Ty nearly whispered.
“What the fuck happened Ty? What they got you for?” I questioned.
“Racquetering, money laundering and some other shit. I’m gonna be in here for a minute. Paul can get some charges dropped, but some other shit they got on tape, and I’m just gonna have to ride that time out. But listen, I want you all to keep that money flowing right. You got my contacts; you know how to play chess. Work the game sweetie. Keep me fed, but stay doing you. You feel me? Oh and I know I don’t have to say this, but trust no one. Now that I’m in here, they gone test you. Do what you gotta do, Summer. Play your position, you may have to do some things you don’t like, but you better let it be known from jump that you’re not to be fucked with or you gone get fucked over. Just keep that shit in mind, and get that paper. Remember, it’s a chess game, make your move, but make it right. I got love for you.”
“Ty, I don’t know. This is a lot.” I said.
“Just remember what I said babygirl.” Then the phone went dead.
I laid back in the bed, and stared around the room. What was I going to do without Ty? He had been my everything for the last four years. He made sure I ate, went to the doctor, registered for school, all the things I needed, besides being my lover and mentor. I pondered the words he spoke, “trust no one”, “they gone test you.” I decided I would step into his shoes as he asked, and either they were going to get down or lay down.
I called all of the contacts I had for Ty and let them know all the appointments would be booked through me for now on. It seems Ty had known his day would come to be behind bars and he was grooming me for this time. I was surprised that our clients were willing to do business with me so easily, until one of their secretaries told me that Ty had already made it clear that I would be able to make all decisions on his behalf.
I messaged the girls and told them to meet me at the apartment for a discussion about work. Naomi and Erin arrived together; they both seemed happy to see me and greeted me in our usual way. I didn’t want to start the meeting without Carmen, but she was already twenty minutes late. I called her and she answered her phone right before it went to voicemail.
“Yeah, what’s up?”
“Carmen, where the fuck are you? Didn’t you get my message about tonight?” I asked.
“Yeah I got it. I’m busy; I’ll be there in a minute. What is this so called meeting about anyway?” Carmen hissed.
“It’s about the business, C.” I hissed back.
“Well what about it? Can’t you tell me over the phone?”
I felt my pressure rise, and I could hear Ty’s warning.
“Nah. I tell you what, I’m gonna come see you! You home tonight right? I looked at Ty’s calendar he didn’t book shit for you to do. So when I’m finished with Nay and E, I’ll be over there.”
“Yeah alright, I should be home by then. I’ll see you later.” Carmen said and hung up the phone.
I was seething, but I tried to remain calm so I could explain to Naomi and Erin my plans to take us to the next level.
The meeting went better than I expected, both girls were willing to stay down with me. Naomi didn’t have enough brains to go out on her own, and Erin didn’t care either way it was something to do, or rather someone to fuck.
When I reached my grandmother’s building, I saw all the same people sitting around. I didn’t go over there that much, between school and the business, I stayed busy. Plus my mother was so strung out, I hated to see her. I wondered why C
armen had not moved out by now. She made more than enough money to get herself a nice place. She was just too stupid and hung up on fashion to use her money in the right way. She’d rather have a closet full of six hundred dollar pairs of jeans, than to have a nice place to lay her head at night.
I got off the elevator at the eleventh floor and made my way to her apartment. Before I could knock the door swung open and some man with a tie came walking out. He looked at me and said, “damn, just when I thought they couldn’t get no finer.” I looked at him with disgust and walked in the apartment. It was filled with so much weed smoke, I had to fan the air in front of me.
I called out, “Carmen!”
“Yeah, I’m in here.” She answered.
I made my way down the narrow hallway looking at the pictures on the wall of a young Carmen and her younger brother Nelson.
I walked past a room that was filled with clothes all over the floor and bed, and old worn furniture. The faint odor of old piss emanated from the room. I found Carmen in her room with no shirt or bra putting on a pair of jeans. She put her hand on her hips and cocked her head to the side when she saw me. She pulled her curly hair back in one and started digging thru her drawers like she was waiting for me to say something.
“Carmen, what’s going on?” I asked.
“What do you mean?” She asked without looking at me.
I watched her breast bounce as she paced the room pulling out various t-shirts as if she was going somewhere.
“Listen, Carmen. I came to see you to talk to you about the business. I want to hold it together while Ty is doing his bid. But I’m going to need your cooperation.” I touched her bare shoulder, to get her attention.
Carmen stopped and giggled. She looked at me up and down before speaking.
“You’re too cute. Look at you, you’ve been doing this for what a minute, and you think you can come in here and tell me about how YOU want to run the business? Bitch please.” She scoffed before continuing.
“If you think I’m gone let you run me, you got another thing coming to you. Ty was my man, before you came along trying to act all smart. Yeah, you got him all googly eyed over your fancy words and cause you read books n-shit. But let me tell you one muthafuckin thing. I’m running this shit here, and I’m selling this pussy here. I’m booking appointments, and I’m reaping the profits. So you just stay the fuck out of my way! You hear me?” Carmen said with a sinister look in her eye.
“Wow, C. I thought you were smarter than that. I have the hookup, what are you going to do? Sell your ass to these bum ass niggas around the projects? Cause I know you don’t think you gone mess with none of the clientele from the business if you not under me?” I said matter of factly.
“Summer, I told you. I wouldn’t work for you, if you paid me double. Now get the fuck outta my apartment. I’ll see whoever the fuck I want. Besides, I got loyal customers from the business, so if they want to deal with me, so be it.”
I laughed out loud like I’d just heard a joke.
“Okay Carmen, I said it. So be it. You can sell your ass to whoever you want in the streets, but don’t mess with nobody that we do business with. You may look at me as a little girl, but trust me Carmen, you cross me, and that’s your ass.” I warned.
“Yeah, well, we’ll see.”
Carmen said as she put a t-shirt over her head. I wanted to take that t-shirt and strangle the shit out of her. But I decided to play it cool for now. I made my way out of her dirty ass apartment, knowing Carmen was going to be a problem that I was going to have to solve.
The business was doing well; I was going to see Ty on a regular basis and keeping his commissary heavy. I decided we needed to add clientele to the business. I had an appointment scheduled with my gynecologist, Dr. Petucci. It didn’t hurt that he was not bad on the eyes, but what was even better was that his pockets were fat. I went to the tanning salon with my new girlfriend Nikki a couple days before my appointment so I had a tan and I knew he’d appreciate my tan lines. I sat in my examination gown on the table and waited for him to enter the room. He had always been a little flirtatious with me, yet he had always been guarded, I guess to protect himself from any malpractice related trouble. When he entered the room, his dark eyes lit up.
“Summer, is everything okay, looking at your chart tells me you’re not due for a visit, so I didn’t expect to see you for a few more months.”
I went into action, slowly untying my robe. I opened it exposing my breast. I spoke in a low voice. “Well Dr., with all the problems women face these days I decided to be pro-active and get an exam early. I really want a breast exam, and I think I need you to examine my pelvis as well.”
I sat up straight, my pink nipples standing straight out from the coldness of the room. Dr. Petucci stood staring at my bare breast in a non medical way, before he caught hold of himself.
“Well it’s always good to be proactive, but I don’t think a girl of your age or health has anything to be worried about.” Dr. Pettuci smiled nervously.
“Well are you going to exam me anyway, just to be on the safe side?” I asked.
“Of course I am.”
Dr. Pettuci opened my gown a little more as he took my arm and put it above my head. He did the custom breast exam in a very medically professional way.
“Now lay down for me and slide your bottom to the edge of the table. Put your legs in the stirrups for me.” He asked as he went to put on a pair of gloves.
I laid back and did as he said, I slid down to the edge of the table, but instead of my usually uncomfortable feeling, I spread my legs far apart, so he could see my neatly trimmed pussy. When he turned around with his gloves on, his eyes popped wide open as his eyes landed between my legs. He looked a little tense, yet interested.
“Okay so I’m just going to insert my finger to feel your cervix and uterus.” He said as he reached my opening. Instantly I contracted myself around his finger.
“Relax Summer, I’m almost done.” He said.
He pressed my flat belly as he felt around inside of me. “Does this hurt?” He asked as he pressed parts of my abdomen.
“No.” I answered.
He withdrew his finger, with beads of sweat formed on his forehead. His black wavy hair never moved out of place.
“No pap?” I asked.
“No it’s not time. You have another three months before that’s due.”
“Oh okay. Well I’m glad I came, anyway.” I said.
“Yes I’m glad you came as well. It’s always good to see you, Summer.” He said with a flirtatious grin.
I just sat up with my gown half on, without an ounce of shame.
“Should I get dressed now?” I asked.
“Oh yes, I’m done.” He said, with his eyes trying to avoid my body.
I just got up and dropped the gown and started getting dressed. I could see him watching me.
“I’ll be in my office, please step in when you’re dressed.” He said.
I got dressed and went into his office. Dr. Petucci sat there behind his large Cherry wood desk, in his large black leather swivel chair. I looked around his office, noting the plaques, and degrees on the wall. I saw some pictures of him in his leisure time on a yacht fishing. I saw pictures of his skinny blond wife. She was pretty enough, with her paid for tits and ass, but I knew he wanted more, they always do. I saw pictures of his two children, who looked like spoiled brats. I smiled.
“Nice looking family you have there.”
“Yes, thank you. Everything seems to be in great order Summer, no worries. Have you given any thought to the pill?” He said looking up from my chart.
“No, the pill’s not for me. I like to use condoms. So you like to spend time out at sea, I see.” I said.
“Yes. There’s nothing like the ocean. It’s really wonderful. Have you ever been sailing Summer?”
“No. But there’s a first time for everything.” I said.
“True indeed.”
/> I knew I had him baited, so I just slid him my business card, it read “Summer’s Heat”.
“Call me, if you ever want a little heat. You can have any flavor you like; any way you like it.” I said
He took my card and studied it, and then he looked at me. I didn’t give him a chance to say anything; I smiled and left his office, knowing he would call.
I moved out of Brooklyn and into an apartment in Chelsea with my new best friend Nikki. She was a Greek girl who had a wild streak and a mind as fast as mine. We met in Business math class and have been like sister’s ever since. Well not exactly sisters, since I’m fucking her father. Nikki joined the business and became my most trusted girl. She had jet black hair, and olive skin. She kept her hair at shoulder’s length, and she had thick eyebrows that she kept shaped at an arch that made her look intriguing. She had her lip liner and eyeliner permanently tattooed on her face, she was like a real life doll. She was originally from the Upper East Side, her father was an Accountant at a Law Firm and he also owned a few Greek restaurants throughout the city. The first time she took me home for dinner her father cornered me in the family room and told me in no uncertain terms that he had to have me. Although Nikki’s my best friend, I couldn’t resist. Besides, as Ty taught me, Money Over Bitches all day, every day. So I began a pay for pleasure relationship with him. He was middle aged with a nice physique and salt and pepper colored thick curly hair. Mr. Stamatis was pretty good in bed too. The first time we met up, he booked me for a weekend so I could accompany him on a business trip to the Virgin Islands. He was looking to expand his restaurant chains and thought the Virgin Islands would prove profitable. It was a warm and sunny when I stepped off the plane. I was thankful that he booked me a separate suite. It was funny how he actually had an itinerary laid out for me.
9 am, breakfast,
11 am joint spa appointments,
1 pm lunch,