Summer's Heat Page 2
I could see Carmen still beefing, and I finally realized who it was that broke up the fight. I saw a fine tall dark skin guy with a baldy standing next to Carmen and it looked like he was reprimanding her. Then I realized who it was. It was Tyrell. He was friends with my brother Kareem, they were really cool. He saw me watching his interaction with Carmen and he stopped talking to her and made his way over to me.
“Hey little mama, what a pretty girl like you out here fighting for?”
“I’m just sick of bitches like Carmen thinking they can play me. If she wants it, we can do this again!” I said really loud looking over at Carmen, who was watching Tyrell talk to me.
“Whoa, shorty, chill. You too pretty for that fighting shit. I remember you when you were real little. What’s up with K-money?”
“He’s doing good. He like a Corporal or something like that. I’m going to go visit him in North Carolina this summer, I hope.” I said feeling a little less stressed.
“That’s cool, tell him Ty said what’s up? Be easy sweetie.” Ty said before walking back to Carmen’s Side.
I really had not even been into boys, and Tyrell wasn’t even a boy he was a twenty-year-old man, but there was something about him that made my heart skip a beat.
My fight with Carmen, left me with a little rep. Girls knew not to fuck with me, and it seemed to peak boys’ curiosity about me. But I was still just me trying to survive day by day. I went to school everyday, studied hard and watched my home life crumble. It was like my life was a huge rock that someone had a sledgehammer that they slung constantly cracking away at. I was at school when I went to the girls’ room and discovered I had my period. It was an exciting feeling, I felt like I somehow had crossed over into womanhood. I lined my underwear with toilet tissue and as soon at it was time to go home I ran to my apartment with anticipation of using my mother’s maxi-pads. I couldn’t wait to tell her! I got in the house, and ran straight to the bathroom. No one was ever home when I got in because my mother was always still at work, and my grandmother spent her days gossiping at the local senior center. I ran to the bathroom and pushed the door open. I stood there in shock as I watched my mother’s cheeks’ cave in from the suction she was giving to the glass pipe in front of her. Her eyes focused on me, but it didn’t seem like she could move as she sat slumped on the side of the bathtub. I just stood there until what I was seeing sunk in. I backed up into the wall and I ran out of the house finally realizing that everyone else knew my mother was a crack head but me. Who the fuck still smoked crack? I wandered the streets just walking trying to think of where I could go. I wanted to go back to my Daddy Joe’s house, but I realized that was hopeless. After walking through the neighborhood for more than two hours with bloody tissue in my underwear I decided to return back to the only home I had, to face what I had no control over.
Three Years Later…
High School brought me into a deep depression. My mother had spiraled so out of control with her drug habit that she no longer had a job. My grandmother berated her and me every chance she got, and I had no clothes to keep up with the rest of my friends. Ashley would let me borrow a few pieces from time to time, but Paulette stopped speaking to me altogether. It was hard for me some nights I added salt to my water and boiled it to make it seem like I had soup. There were plenty of nights that I didn’t have much to eat. I actually welcomed school so that I could get a meal.
The boys that I wanted would stare at my face and my ample tits and ass, but they would stop short of asking me out. Instead I got the corny guys to take me out, but they didn’t have any money, and I felt my virginity was too precious to waste on those lame dudes.
I was walking toward my building one day after school when I saw Carmen getting out of what looked like a brand new Range Rover. She had her hair blown straight, and she had on a pair of camel colored thigh high suede boots with a pair of tight jeans and a short camel brown leather jacket with fringes hanging off of it. I stood there watching her interaction with the guy in the car. Carmen was leaning on the door facing the driver, exposing her thong as she leaned into the passenger window to offer a kiss. She stood up and put what looked like a knot of money in her pocket and walked away. She didn’t even pay me any attention; it was like I was invisible. The car started to pull off, but then it stopped and the passenger side window rolled back down.
“Summer?” The male voice said from the car.
I slowly walked toward the car, but an instant smile came across my face as I saw Tyrell was the driver.
“Hey Ty! How are you?” I asked.
“Fine, but not as fine as you. Damn Summer, you growing up to be more beautiful than I thought possible. Damn!” Ty chuckled.
“Yeah whatever!” I teased.
“I don’t play games, if I say it I mean it. What you up to these days? You in school right?”
“Yes, I’m in my sophomore year. I’m studying hard, I need to go away to college and get out of this hell hole.” I said.
“I hear you baby. I like a smart woman. There’s nothing worse than a dumb broad. You feel me?”
“Yeah, I feel you. Dumb like that bitch Carmen you fuck with?” I asked.
“Whoa, you got a little mouth on you. What an innocent sweet face, and a dirty mouth! I like that shit. People never know where you’re coming from.”
“I guess I’m just a product of my environment, and you know how the saying goes. Don’t let my looks fool ya!” I giggled.
“Word. Anyway lil mama, how about we do dinner this weekend if you not busy?”
I thought my knees would give way. “Um, um, yeah okay.” I answered. Tyrell gave me his cell phone number and told me he would pick me up on Saturday around eight.
I ran to my apartment so excited and worried. I was excited that someone of Tyrell’s caliber would ask me out, and I was worried because I had nothing I to wear.
I begged Ashley to let me wear her nicest jean skirt with her lime green and red Gucci sweater. I even borrowed her brown suede cowboy boots even though they were half a size too small.
I washed my hair and towel dried it, using a little hair gel to moisturize my frizzy curls. I applied some mascara I got from the ninety-nine cents store, and I tweezed my eyebrows to a perfect arch. I always wanted to get them waxed but I never had an extra five bucks lying around to do it. I got dressed and I put on my cheap gloss and smiled at myself in the mirror. I put on some of my grandmother’s Jean’ nate body splash and headed toward the door.
I was almost out of the door when I heard my grandmother call after me. “Summer, Summer, you know you hear me!”
I had my hand on the doorknob ready to go, I should’ve just kept walking. “Yes grandmother?” I answered less than enthusiastically.
“You wearing my shit?” She asked.
“Huh?” I asked confused.
“I smell my Jean Nate’. Come here!”
I walked quickly; I didn’t want to have Tyrell waiting too long.
“Yes, I put a little on.”
“Well well. Look at the beauty queen. You do clean up nicely.” She grinned, her cigarette never left the corner of her mouth.
“Let me tell you sumthin Summer. Don’t yo little fast ass go out there and make no babies. My check can’t carry you, yo mama and a baby!”
“Grandmother, I’m just going out. I don’t want no babies!”
“Yeah, that’s what yo mama said and the next thing you know she was having your oldest brother. Joe was good enough to marry her, but these here little negroes ain’t got the decency to make a woman they wife!”
“I have to go.” I said trying to end the conversation.
“Well go on then, and take yo narrow yellow ass out of here. Just remember what I told you!”
I stepped off the elevator and right into the face of Carmen, she looked me up and down and smiled. I wondered if Tyrell had just dropped her off.
I walked out of the building and there sat Ty’s huge
shiny black ride pumping loud music. I could hear T.I. rapping “You can get whatever you like?” Over the bass filled beat. I was surprised to see Tyrell get out of the car and open the passenger door for me.
He looked great. He had on a cream sweater turtleneck, a black leather blazer and a crisp pair of jeans with some Timberland boots on. His goatee was neat and his bald head shined just a bit.
I sat in the butter soft black leather seats, and it was like I sitting on a cloud. They were the softest car seats I had ever sat on and they were warm.
“You’re looking really good tonight, young lady. Real cute.” Tyrell managed to say, as he pulled off with a smirk on his face. I felt complimented that he said I looked cute, but I was not happy about being described as cute. That was not the look I was going for when I squeezed my feet into her little boots.
I bopped my head to the sounds of Alicia Keys “You don’t know my name”. I was feeling it so much as I sung aloud to Alicia’s melodic voice. I was in my own zone not even thinking about Tyrell, just thinking about life in general.
“Shorty want to be a singer?” Tyrell questioned out loud as he laughed. I must’ve turned really red.
“Nah don’t feel embarrassed. You were feelin it. That’s how it be sometimes.” Tyrell reassured me.
For the rest of the ride I was quiet, determined to behave more mature. I had embarrassed myself enough for the evening. I looked over the water into Manhattan and just loved how the city lights shined on a clear dark night. I wondered where we were going as he sped onto highways I wasn’t familiar with. I lowered my window, and let the air blow through my hair, feeling a freedom I had never felt before. We went across a bridge at 59th St. in Manhattan and made our way thru town. We pulled in front of what looked like a long store front restaurant building. I looked up and read the sign, “Don Coqui”. Ty parked the car on the street and got out to open my door. We walked in and the place was packed. “My man Ty! What’s good?” A tall bald headed Hispanic man said as he gave Ty a pound. Everything my man! You got my favorite table ready? Ty asked. “Always man. Follow me.” The man gestured as he made his way thru the restaurant. I watched the eyes as they followed Ty, and then they eyed me. As we passed random men would give Ty a pound as various women, including some of the women who were sitting with men would get up to give Ty a peck on the cheek. I knew Ty was popular but I was amazed at how much attention he got even outside of our hood. We sat down at a table in the center of the room. There was a live band playing Latin music, as the muffled sounds of random conversations filled the air.
“Ty you want the usual bottle?” The Hispanic man who brought us to the table asked. “Nah man, I got a young one on my hands tonight, I don’t know if she’s ready for that.” Ty joked with the man.
“Just give me a bottle of your best White. I’m going to take it easy on her tonight.” Ty said as he winked at me.
My heart skipped a beat, and butterflies fluttered in my stomach. I had not dated too many boys and here I was sitting with a grown ass man.
“So Summer tell me. What is it about you that has me so intrigued? Besides the fact that you’re gorgeous as a motherfucker.”
I blushed. “I don’t know Ty. Why did you ask me out? I’m surprised. I mean I’ve known you for a long time, and I never got that vibe from you.” I answered.
“I watched you grow; I knew the time would come. You never pick a fruit before it’s ripe or a woman before she’s ready. That’s my belief, and it seems like you’re ready.” Ty said as he reached over and gently rubbed my hand.
It felt good, his touch felt gentle and sensuous a tingly feeling came over my body as he took his thumb and circled the palm of my hand.
Ty ordered food for the both of us. It was a Porgy stuffed with Crabmeat, the fish sat up on the plate sautéed in a Spanish sauce with the middle of its back filled to the brim with crabmeat. Yellow rice and sautéed spinach with garlic surrounded the rest of the plate, as sweet plantains sat in a small dish on the Side of the plate. I sipped the White wine and giggled a flirtatious laugh at everything Ty said. We laughed at some of the people we knew from around the way, we laughed at some celebrities and their antics. Ty made me feel so comfortable.
When we got back in his car, he put the music on blast, and I sank back in the seats, feeling giggly and bold. I sang along, “blame it on the juice, got ya feeling loose.” That I definitely was. I looked over at Ty and put my hand on his thigh. He smiled a sly smiled as he pulled off and sped down the highway. We took the Brooklyn bridge back to Brooklyn, and he pulled up to Joralemon street in downtown Brooklyn.
“What time do you have to be home?” Ty asked.
“Whatever time you get me there. Nobody’s checking for me like that.” I said slightly lying.
“Aight then, you want to come upstairs to my place?” Ty asked.
“Yeah, definitely.”
We got out the car in front of a pretty brick faced apartment building. We walked up the stairs to the second floor and he unlocked the door to a spacious loft style living room. It looked like a place I had only seen in music videos or magazines. It wasn’t extremely large but it was nice considering I knew where Ty came from.
“Make yourself at home Summer. I’m going to head to the shower, I’ll be out in a sec. There’s juice in the fridge if you’re thirsty.”
I was in awe of how well Ty had done for himself. I was so curious, I walked over to his double door stainless steel refrigerator and opened it. There was champagne, fresh fruit, juice and water. So neat and clean. Nothing like my own refrigerator. I looked at how clean his matching stainless steel stove was. The brick face wall that lined his kitchen, and the black metal frame breakfast bar set for two that sat against the wall. I walked into the living room and studied the pictures that framed the wall. Ty, with various beautiful women in different stages of dress. There is one woman, completely naked her entire front is not shown, but she is looking over her back, with her round ass exposed. I marveled in how beautiful the woman’s body is, until I realize it’s Carmen. Something in me drops and I feel bothered. Like I’m just getting to be with her leftovers. Ty came out and caught me staring intently at his photos.
“See anything you like?” He asked as I felt his wet chest on my back, and felt his hot breath in my ear.
“I see you. So you know I see something I like.” I said as I turned to face him, my lips meeting his. Ty’s lips were soft yet juicy. He slid my lips apart with his tongue and pushed his tongued deep into my mouth. We twirled our tongues around each other and I licked his bottom lip and sucked it greedily. Ty lifted my legs around his waist and carried me into his bedroom. He laid me on his King sized black leather sleigh bed. He just stood there looking at me for what seemed like forever. As if he had to think about what he was about to do. I wanted him in a way I had never known. I opened my legs to notion for him to take it. He dropped his towel, and my heart skipped a beat. I had never seen a man naked that close up. His shit was larger than I thought a girl of my age should take, but I felt I needed to have him that night. Ty stooped over and pulled my miniskirt off. I was left lying on the bed with my shirt, panties and my boots. He lay on top of me and began kissing me. I could feel his dick pressing against my stomach, and I could feel myself become wet with every swirl of our tongues. He squeezed both breast, methodically circling my nipples until they were as hard as they had ever been. The rubbing of my nipples caused a sensation between my thighs that felt unfamiliar. I wanted him right then. Instinct took over and I opened my legs wider and wrapped them around his waist. I grinded my crotch into his to let him know I was enjoying the feeling. Ty tilted himself slightly and grabbed a condom from his nightstand drawer without taking his lips off of mine. He put it on in one swift move. He lifted himself from me, I didn’t want to stop kissing him, but then he started at my neck and kissed his way down my stomach, to my pussy. I was nervous, hoping I was still fresh from my shower a few hours earlier. It must’ve been fine because Ty dive
d in face first and ate me like I was a delicious desert. I couldn’t believe the feeling that washed over me. I grabbed onto Ty’s head and grinded myself further into him, letting him plunge his tongue deeper into me. I suppose Ty was loosening me up with his tongue preparing me for what he was about to unleash on me. When he came up for air, I came too.
I unlocked my door slowly hoping not to wake my grandmother. I tiptoed in and walked through the dark silence until I smelled cigarette smoke. I could see the mini flame from the tip of the cigarette in the darkness.
“Summer, I done warned you. You mess around and get embarrassed and you are outta here, you hear me?” She hissed.
I couldn’t see her face in the dark, but I imagined her mouth to be in a scowl, with her beloved cigarette dangling from the corner of her lips. I didn’t say a word for fear that the mini flame of her cigarette gave her enough light to see me, and then smack the shit out of me. I could tell she was in one of her angry, pickified moods, and I didn’t want to bring my mood down by going round for round with her.
I squeezed past her in the narrow hallway leading to my bedroom. I could feel her hot breath on my back as I inched by her. Once I reached my room I let out a big gasp of air. I turned the light on happy to see that my mother had not made it home and therefore I could relish in my new post virginal status all alone. I leaned on the old wooden dresser and looked at myself closely in the mirror. Had anything changed about my face? I lay back on the bed and imagined Ty back on top of me. He smelled so good, his body felt so warm, I couldn’t wait to feel him again. I couldn’t ignore the fact that I was sore as hell, I decided to take a mirror and look at my once untouched vagina. I looked at it and found it staring back at me. It looked different I thought, I could now really see my opening. I was amazed. I decided not to shower for fear that it would stir grandmother into a rage, because she would have proof that I’d been out fucking. I put on a t-shirt and looked outside the window at the cars going by. I was fantasizing that Ty would come back and rescue me, until I fell off to sleep.